Nanotechnology is an emerging, rapidly evolving field with the potential to significantly impact care across the full spectrum of cancer therapy. Of note, several recent nanotechnological advances show particular promise to improve outcomes for thoracic surgical patients. A variety of nanotechnologies are described that offer possible solutions to existing challenges encountered in the detection, diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. Nanotechnology-based imaging platforms have the ability to improve the surgical care of patients with thoracic malignancies through technological advances in intraoperative tumour localization, lymph node mapping and accuracy of tumour resection. Moreover, nanotechnology is poised to revolutionize adjuvant lung cancer therapy. Common chemotherapeutic drugs, such as paclitaxel, docetaxel and doxorubicin, are being formulated using various nanotechnologies to improve drug delivery, whereas nanoparticle (NP)-based imaging technologies can monitor the tumour microenvironment and facilitate molecularly targeted lung cancer therapy. Although early nanotechnology-based delivery systems show promise, the next frontier in lung cancer therapy is the development of 'theranostic' multifunctional NPs capable of integrating diagnosis, drug monitoring, tumour targeting and controlled drug release into various unifying platforms. This article provides an overview of key existing and emerging nanotechnology platforms that may find clinical application in thoracic surgery in the near future. The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.
The European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) Database is a free registry created by ESTS in 2001. The current online version was launched in 2007. It runs currently on a Dendrite platform with extensive data security and frequent backups. The main features are a specialty-specific, procedure-specific, prospectively maintained, periodically audited and web-based electronic database, designed for quality control and performance monitoring, which allows for the collection of all general thoracic procedures. Data collection is the "backbone" of the ESTS database. It includes many risk factors, processes of care and outcomes, which are specially designed for quality control and performance audit. The user can download and export their own data and use them for internal analyses and quality control audits. The ESTS database represents the gold standard of clinical data collection for European General Thoracic Surgery. Over the past years, the ESTS database has achieved many accomplishments. In particular, the database hit two major milestones: it now includes more than 235 participating centers and 70,000 surgical procedures. The ESTS database is a snapshot of surgical practice that aims at improving patient care. In other words, data capture should become integral to routine patient care, with the final objective of improving quality of care within Europe.
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In the history of thoracic surgery, the advent of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) had on effect equivalent to that provoked by a true revolution. VATS successfully allowed minor, major and complex procedures for various lung and mediastinal pathologies with small incision instead of the traditional accesses. These small incisions abolished ugly scars, generated less acute and chronic pain, reduced hospital stay and costs, allowed faster return to normal day life activities. Conventional VATS was initially performed through 3-4 ports and rapidly evolved to uniportal or single portal access [uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery (uniVATS)]. First uniportal procedures were published in 2000. In 2010, uniportal technique for lobectomy was described. Focused experimental courses, live surgery events, the internet media favored the rapid diffusion of this technique over the world. Major and complex uniVATS lung resections involving segmentectomy, pneumonectomy, bronchoplasty and vascular reconstruction, redo VATS, en bloc chest wall resections have been accomplished with satisfactory outcomes. Interestingly, different uniportal approaches and techniques are emerging from a number of VATS centers particularly experienced in the mini-invasive thoracic surgery. As confidence grew, in 2014, the first uniVATS left upper lobectomy via the subxiphoid approach was reported. This novel technique is quite challenging but appropriate patient selection as well as availability of dedicated instruments allowed to perform procedures safely. The diffusion of uniVATS paralleled with the development of nonintubated awake anesthesia technique. In 2007 the first nonintubated lobectomy was described. In 2014 the first single port VATS lobectomy in a nonintubated patient with lung cancer of the right middle lobe was accomplished. The nonintubated uniVATS represents an intriguing technique, so that very experienced thoracoscopic surgeons may enroll to surgery elderly and high risk
To describe sudden onset of generalized pulmonary atelectasis following thoracic lavage in 3 dogs. Thoracic lavage was performed following ligation of a patent ductus arteriosus in case 1, prior to closure of a large traumatic full thickness wound in the chest wall in case 2, and during investigation of an idiopathic spontaneous pneumothorax in case 3. In each case anesthesia and surgery were uneventful until thoracic lavage was performed, after which sudden generalized pulmonary atelectasis was observed. The atelectasis was visualized and was associated with oxyhemoglobin desaturation, decreased end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure (ETCO(2)), and a marked increase in the peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) required to achieve visible lung inflation. Occlusion of the endotracheal tube and cervical trachea was directly eliminated as the cause of atelectasis in cases 1 and 2, and indirectly eliminated in case 3. Improvement in pulmonary function occurred in all cases in response to increased PIP positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP). Generalized atelectasis should be considered a possible complication of thoracic lavage performed during thoracotomy. In the cases presented here, it is suspected that pre-existing reduction in lung volume (due to inadequate ventilation, surgical compression, absorption atelectasis) was exacerbated by the addition of the lavage fluid to the thoracic cavity. This pre-existing lung collapse is believed to have resulted in reduction of lung volume and that further reduction below the critical closing volume occurred following instillation of saline into the thorax resulting in the subsequent development of generalized atelectasis. The performance of regular arterial blood gas analyses and different ventilation protocols may have prevented the marked atelectasis that was observed in these cases. Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012.
The adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) pathogenesis remains unknown. Certain studies have shown that there is a correlation between manual laterality and scoliotic deviation. A full study of manual laterality needs to be paired with one for visual dominance. With the aim of physiopathological research, we have evaluated the manual and visual laterality in AIS. A retrospective study from prospective data collection is used to evaluate the distribution of eye-hand laterality (homogeneous or crossed) of 65 right thoracic AIS (mean age 14.8 1.8 years; mean Cobb angle: 32.8) and a control group of 65 sex and age-matched (mean age 14.6 1.8 years). The manual laterality was defined by the modified Edinburgh Handedness Inventory. The evaluation of the visual laterality is done using three tests (kaleidoscope test, hole-in-the-card test, distance-hole-in-the-card test). The group of right thoracic AIS presents a significantly higher frequency of crossed eye-hand laterality (63 %) than the control group (63 vs. 29.2 %; p
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